★ Touhou Plushies bot! ★

Hello! This is primarily an automated bot account which posts various official, doujin, and taobao Touhou plush once every hour. Ocassionally, I also manually post or retweet Touhou plush related news and posts.

➵ The post queue is still being added to periodically!
➵ There are currently 166 plush in the queue.
➵ There are no bot commands at this time.
➵ Most info taken from MyFigureCollection.
➵ DMs not accepted, except from accounts I follow.
➵I rarely see or engage with interactions. Please do not expect replies.
Background image by terrajin

★ Touhou Plushies bot! ★

My personal recommendations for plush buying in the US.

Terminology -
"Official", licensed plush released by a larger company.
"Doujin", plush released by an independant fan or group of fans under a doujin circle, usually within Japan.
"Taobao", plush released on the huge Chinese website Taobao, ranges from essentially doujin to bootlegs. Bootlegs are not included in this guide.

Official sources

Because Japanese doujin plush are generally sold at events such as Comiket and Retaisai, and are usually only available online on Japanese sites, it can be much harder to come across them.
You can occasionally come across them on sites like Ebay, but they may be marked up to an unreasonable amount. It's usually better to search on Japanese sites. Proxy services such as Buyee and FromJapan offer search bars that pull results from multiple websites at once, so I recommend searching with them.
Keyword to search for "Touhou plush" -
If you're looking for a specific plush or doujin circle, (i.e. Sukusuku Hakutaku, Nukodeppou) consult MyFigureCollection to find the Japanese name.
Ultimately if you don't find what you're looking for immediately, you'll have to be patient and check up every so often to see if it has been listed yet.

Generally, most Taobao plush will end up on Ebay or Aliexpress at some point. This is also where the bootleg fumos and large sukusuku plushies come from. However, there are also indie sellers who release original plush as well. These sometimes go up on Aliexpress, but it seems most don't.
Taobao is pretty difficult to navigate, but you can use a proxy like Bhiner to search in Chinese. The results aren't always useful, though. I also just use google to search the keyword and add site:taobao.com at the end, which also works well and tends to pull more accurate results most of the time.
Keyword to search for "Touhou plush" -
You can also consult thwiki.cc to find a specific characters name!